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This page provides information on the V-Ray TexTemperature node.


The V-Ray Temperature texture map is typically used in conjunction with specific light sources to emulate a specific value, like a Kelvin temperature.

This is very useful for different parts of mesh lights, or to map the color of V-Ray Light Material changing from a warm to cool value.


Mode – Specifies the mode in which the color is determined:  

Color – The color is directly specified by the Color parameter.
Temperature – The color temperature (in Kelvin) is specified by the Temperature parameter. 

Temperature – Specifies the temperature in Kelvin.

Color – Specifies the texture color.

RGB Multiplier – Specifies a multiplier for the color strength.

Alpha – Specifies the value for the Alpha channel. Note that the full intensity is reached at 1.0 for this parameter (and not 255).

Gamma Correction – Specifies a gamma correction applied during rendering. This does not affect the Color swatch.

Common Uses  

In each example below, the sphere lights have the same V-Ray Light applied to them. A V-Ray Temperature texture map is applied to the V-Ray Light material to show various color temperatures between each example image. The Temperature texture has Mode set to Temperature.

In the final image below, five separate V-Ray Temperature texture maps were used, each with a different color temperature to show a variation. No other changes were made to the V-Ray Light.

Mode = Temperature
Temperature = 4000.000

Mode = Temperature
Temperature = 2700.000

Mode = Temperature
Temperature = 10000.000

Each mesh lights uses a different BRDFLight material & Temperature texture,
each with its Mode set to a different Temperature value