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UI Expand
titleUI Path

||Thinking Particles Properties window|| > Dynamic Set > Operators > Phoenix FD > PhoenixFD TP Birth





Time  [ time ] – Time at which the TP Birth operator should evaluate. 


Mass Variation [ scalar ] – Overrides the value set in the TP Operator's UI.





*Born Particle [ particle ] – The particles born from the TP Birth operator.


UI Text Box

 "*" denotes an array output - multiple values will be output during a single evaluation of the TP Birth operator.






Phoenix Simulator | node – Determines which Simulator will be used to read the fluid data from.

Group – Specifies a thinkingParticles Group to place the newly generated particles into.

Rate | rate_type[0], rate_percent – A multiplier for the birth probability.

Rate (max prt/s) | rate_type[1], rate_per_sec – A multiplier for the birth probability.

Seed | seed – An initial value for the random numbers generator.

Lifespan | lifespan – The average lifespan of the generated particles. When Variation (%) is set to 0, all particles have exactly the same lifespan.

Variation (%) | lifespan variation – Allows you to vary the lifespan of the generated particles. If set to 100%, the shortest living particles will have a live twice shorter than average, and the longest living particles will have double the average Lifespan.

Size | sizeThe average Size of the generated particles. When Variation (%) is set to 0, all particles have exactly the same Size.

Variation (%) | size variationAllows you to vary the Size of the generated particles. If set to 100%, the smallest particles are two times smaller than average and the largest particles will have double the average Size.

Mass | MassThe average Mass of the generated particles. When Variation (%) is set to 0, all particles have exactly the same Mass.

Variation (%) | mass variationAllows you to vary the Mass of the generated particles. If set to 100%, the lightest particles have Mass two times lower than average and the heaviest particles will have double the average Mass.

Combine | combine – The method used to combine the diagram for Temperature, Smoke and Speed.

Add – The values are added.
Multiply – The values are multiplied.
Biggest  – The biggest value is selected.

Temperature/Smoke/Speed/Fuel | use_t, use_s, use_v, use_f – Diagrams representing the birth density based on each source channel.

Reset – Resets the corresponding diagram with its default content.

