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This page provides information on the V-Ray Proxy ROP (rop_vrayproxy) node.


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The V-Ray Proxy ROP node allows you to export .vrmesh files. Afterwards, they can be imported back into a scene using a Proxy Import | VRayProxy.

Meshes are exported to a special .vrmesh file format. This file contains all geometric information for a mesh such as vertices and face topology as well as texture channels, face material IDs, smoothing groups, and normals. In short, everything that is needed to render the mesh is included in the file. In addition, the mesh is preprocessed and subdivided into chunks for easier access. The file also contains a simplified version of the mesh used for preview purposes in the viewports. More information about the .vrmesh file format is available in the V-Ray SDK documentation.

It is important to note that the mesh is in a "ready to render" format. No further modifications to the mesh are expected. You can't change the mesh, or animate it in any way other than animating the position/orientation of the proxy object. There is no way to recover the original mesh from a .vrmesh file (this can be done in principle, but is currently not supported). Therefore, if you plan on doing modifications to the mesh, you should keep it in a Maya file (which may be different from the file that gets rendered in the end).



UI Path: ||obj Network|| > Geometry node > V-Ray > V-Ray Proxy Export







Render to Disk – Starts the export process.

Controls... – Launches the Houdini Render Control window.

Valid Frame Range – Specifies the frame(s) to export.

Render Current Frame – Exports the current frame.
Render Frame Range – Exports frames from the specified range set below as well as other frames if they are referenced by in-range frames.
Render Frame Range Only (Strict) – Only renders the frames in the specified range set below.

Start/End/Inc – Specifies the range of frames to render (start frame, end frame, and increment).

Render With Take – Renders using the settings from a specified take.

Geometry File – Specifies the export file name and location.

Overwrite Existing File(s) – When enabled, V-Ray will automatically overwrite any existing vrmesh files.

Create Intermediate Dirs – When enabled, intermediate directories will be created during the export process.

SOP Path – Specifies the geometry node to export.

Root Object – Specifies a root object to export.

Objects – Specifies objects to be exported.

Save Hidden and templated objects – When enabled, includes geometry that is not visible or used for a template.

Export Each Selected Object In Separate File – Creates a different file for each selected object. The name of each file is derived from the name of the corresponding Maya node. Unless the World Transform option is enabled, the transformation of an object is not included in its mesh file, and the corresponding proxy must have the same transformation as the original object if it is to appear in the same place. Note that you can use this option even with a single object, which will cause the object's pivot to be preserved in the exported  .vrmesh  file.

Use Last As Preview – When enabled, the last mesh that was selected using Shift + click will be used as a preview mesh for the proxy.

Transform – This option is for exporting objects in separate files. It specifies if the transformation of each object should be baked into the vertex positions in the resulting .vrmesh files.

None – Transformation information is not baked.
World Transform – Each object will have its world transform information baked.

Export Velocity – Enabling this option will export velocity information for the moving objects. This makes it possible to add motion blur to the final animation. However, exporting this extra information takes longer. If you are not going to need motion blur it makes sense to disable this option.

Velocity Range – Specifies the range for which velocity information will be exported.

Simplification Type – Specifies the simplification algorithm to use when generating preview geometry.

Face Sampling – Displays randomly picked faces from the original mesh for the preview. This is the fastest method but does not produce a connected mesh.
Simplify Clustering – Simplifies the mesh using vertex clustering. This method is fast and generates a fairly precise preview mesh, but does not preserve fine details.
Simplify Edge Collapse – Simplifies the mesh by collapsing edges into vertices.
Simplify Combined – A two-stage algorithm. This method is slightly slower than Simplify Clustering, but generates a more precise preview mesh.

 Max Preview Faces – Specifies the maximum number of faces to display for the preview.

 Max Preview Strands – Specifies the maximum number of strands to display for the preview.

One Voxel Per Mesh – Exports each separate mesh to a single voxel. This generally tends to make rendering faster if there is enough RAM, however it causes V-Ray to load the entire mesh at once, which might slow down the rendering if the dynamic memory limit is close to being reached. If you intend to use the V-Ray proxy as a geometry cache for characters or other relatively small objects, enabling this option will improve performance.

Max faces per voxel – Specifies the maximum number of faces that a voxel can hold. Increase this value for meshes with a large number of faces.

Export Point Clouds – When enabled, creates a point cloud representation of the mesh.

Lowest level point size – Specifies a minimum size of the disk samples for creating a point cloud.

Pre-Render Script– The specified script will be executed before the exporting takes place. 

Pre-Frame Script – The specified script will be executed before exporting each frame.

Post-Frame Script – The specified script will be executed after exporting each Frame.

Post-Render Script – The specified script will be executed after the exporting takes place.