This page provides information about the vrstconverter tool in V-Ray Next.


The VRST Converter is a command-line utility that converts .vrst to deep .exr files. VRST is V-Ray's native deep image file format which was used before OpenEXR 2 was released. 


By default, the installation of V-Ray includes the vrstconvert executable in the bin folder found under [Program Files]\Chaos Group\V-Ray\[host app].

Command Line Usage

With the command prompt, navigate to the bin folder and run vrstconvert without arguments to see a list of available options.

vrstconvert [-buffers=1|2] [-threads=R[,W]] [-compression=X] [-alpha=Y] <infile> [outfile]


infile – Specifies the .vrst shademap.

outfile – Specifies deep scanline EXR output filename with its .exr extension, including full file path. If no output is specified the converter will use the input file location and filename for saving .exr file output.

-compression – Defines which compression method to use from the following:

0 – No compression;
1 – RLE; 
2 – ZIPS. This is the default compression method.

-alpha – Defines the Alpha channel mode.

0 – Produces monochrome "A" channel. This is the default option.
1 – Produces color "RA", "GA", "BA" channels.
2 – Produce both monochrome and color alpha channels. 

-buffers – Defines the buffer method of the conversion.

1 – Reduces the memory usage.
2 – Reads and writes concurrently for best performance.

-threads – Defines the number of threads used for the conversion process.

R – Number of reading threads. Default or a value of 0 sets usage of threads equal to the number of processors.
– Number of writing threads. The default options sets usage of threads equal to reading threads.