This is the list of supported by V-Ray custom commands divided in the following categories :



Syntax: AddVrayMtl()

Adds a new V-Ray Material to the scene and applies it to the selection if this is possible.


Syntax: AddVRayTwoSidedMtl()

Adds a new V-Ray Two Sided Material to the scene and applies it to the selection if this is possible.


Syntax: AddVRayBlendMtl()

Adds a new V-Ray Blend Material to the scene and applies it to the selection if this is possible.


Syntax: AddVRayLightMtl()

Adds a new V-Ray Light Material to the scene and applies it to the selection if this is possible.


Syntax: AddVRayOverrideMtl()

Adds a new V-Ray Override Material to the scene and applies it to the selection if this is possible.


Syntax: AddVRayWrapperMtl()

Adds a new V-Ray Material Wrapper to the scene and applies it to the selection if this is possible.


Syntax: AddVRayFastSSS2Mtl()

Adds a new V-Ray FastSSS2 Material to the scene and applies it to the selection if this is possible.


Syntax: AddVRayCarPaintMtl()

Adds a new V-Ray Car Paint Material to the scene and applies it to the selection if this is possible.


Syntax: AddVRayHairMtl()

Adds a new V-Ray Hair Material to the scene and applies it to the selection if this is possible.


Syntax: AddVRaySimbiontMtl()

Adds a new V-Ray Simbiont Material to the scene and applies it to the selection if this is possible.


Syntax: AddVRaySkinMtl()

Adds a new V-Ray Skin Material to the scene and applies it to the selection if this is possible.


Syntax: AddVRayEMFluidVolumeShader()

Adds a new V-Ray emFluid Volume Shader to the scene and applies it to the selection if this is possible.




Syntax: AddVRaySun()

Adds а VRaySun node to the scene.


Syntax: AddVRayIESLight()

Adds а V-Ray IES light to the scene.


Syntax: AddVRayLight()

Adds а VRayLight to the scene.



Syntax: AddVRayDisplacementProperty()

Applies a VRayDisplacementProperty to the objects from the selection list.


Syntax: AddVRayMeshLightProperty()

Applies a VRayMeshLightProperty to the objects from the selection list.


Syntax: AddVRayObjectProperty()

Applies a VRayObjectProperty to the objects from the selection list.


Syntax: AddVRayRenderMapProperty()

Applies a VRayRenderMapProperty to the objects from the selection list.

Note: Note that VRayRenderMap property is not supported for Softimage versions prior to 2011.


Syntax: AddVRayRenderMapProperty()

Applies a VRayRenderMaskProperty to the objects from the selection list.

V-RayProxy commands


Imports a VRayProxy object from an existing mesh file. Currently VRay Mesh file (.vrmesh) and Alembic(.abc) file are allowed as an input mesh file.

Syntax: ImportVRayMesh(meshFilename, displayAs, isAnimated)


The full path filename of the mesh file (tokens are supported).


Specifies the display mode of the imported mesh.

0 - the proxy is displayed as its bounding box.

1 - the information in the mesh file is used to generate a simplified preview (proxy preview representation) of the geometry.

Default value: 1


Specifies whether the proxy is animated.

Default value: true



Exports the selected polymesh objects to .vrmesh file(s).

Syntax: ExportVRayMesh(saveIn, fileName, exportType, bakeTransform, groupType, overwrite, animOn, animType, startFrame, endFrame, velocityOn, velocityIntervalStart, velocityIntervalEnd, shouldCreateProxy, previewFaces)


This is the directory where the mesh file(s) will be created (tokens are supported).

Default value: current project's location

fileNameUsed only when exporting all selected geometry objects into a single file (i.e. when exportType=0). This option specifies the name of the output .vrmesh file. You don't need to specify a path - the folder from saveIn will be used.

Determines whether the selected meshes should be exported to separate files or all of them into 1 file.

0 -  exports all selected objects in a single .vrmesh file. This option also stores the transformations of the selected objects;

1 -  exports each selected object in a separate .vrmesh file. The name of each file is derived from the name of the corresponding Softimage node. The transformation of an object is not included in its mesh file unless specified via bakeTransform;

Default value: 0


Specifies whether objects transformations should be written into the vrmesh file(s)

Default value: true


Specifies how faces will be grouped according to the materials IDs.

0 - the selected faces that have the same material will be assigned with the same Material ID;

1- groups faces according to mapping to existing clusters. When the faces in the geometry have been previously divided into clusters, this options assigns the same material ID to the faces in each cluster regardless of the material assigned to individual faces;

Default value: 0.


When turned on - will automatically overwrite any existing .vrmesh files.

Default value: true


Sprecifies whether animation be exported as well.

Default value: false


Determines the animation interval for export.

0 - exports all the frames from the animation timeline;

1 - manually specify the frame range for the animation export by using the startFrame and endFrame parameters;

Default value: 0


Specifies the start animation frame when using explicit range (animType=1).

Default value: 0


Specifies the end animation frame when using explicit range (animType=1).

Default value: 10


If specified(animOn=true and velocityOn=true), vertex velocity is also exported. This enables motion blur and smooth interpolation of the resulting animated proxies. The time samples within a frame for computing the velocity are specified with the velocityIntervalStart and velocityIntervalEnd options.

Default value: true


A value between 0.0 and 1.0 with the time position within a frame for the initial vertex positions.

Default value: 0.0


A value between 0.0 and 1.0 with the time position within a frame for the ending vertex positions.

Default value: 0.05


When this is turned on - after successful export, the original geometry objects will be replaced with proxy/proxies.

Default value: true


Specifies the maximum number of faces that will be used to show a preview of the proxy in the viewport.

Default value: 10000

Materials import


Imports materials from a .vrscene file into the scene.

Syntax: ImportVrsceneMaterial(vrsceneFileName)

  • vrsceneFileName - the full path filename of the .vrscene file (token strings are supported);



Syntax: AddVRayPhysicalCamera()

Adds а V-Ray Physical Camera object to in the scene.

Geometric objects


Syntax: AddVRayPlane()

Adds a VRayPlane object in the scene.

Miscellaneous commands


Sets a new location of the helper folder, where VRay render state files are kept. The command should be invoked prior to rendering and will keep the record for the new location for as long as the VRay .xsiaddon remains loaded. Once the command is executed, for subsequent render calls VRay will save the VRay VFB history (vfbhistory.xml) to the specified directory. On a new scene (created after executing the command), this will also modify the default locations for the new scene's irradiance map, lightcache, photonmap, VRay logs (like vray_log.txt) etc. files. However, on existing scenes, these file paths are already stored as part of the Renderer settings, so calling the custom command will not be enough. If you want to redirect these files, you also need to change those properties.

Syntax: VRaySetHelperFolderLocation(folder)

  • folder - the new directory name where VRay render state files will be stored (path tokens are supported). The Default value is [Project Path]/Vray1" which is the Vray1 helper folder nested under the current project structure.


Syntax: ClearVRayGeometryCache()

Forces the clearing of any cached geometry for the currently open scene.The command might fail if a lengthy render process is in progress and geometry caches cannot be accessed.


Saves the VRay VFB buffer to an image file.

Syntax: VRaySaveVFB(path)

  • path - the full path filename of the image file where the VRay VFB buffer will be written (tokens are supported).


Rebuilds the proxy preview mesh for the current frame.

Syntax : VRayRefreshProxyPreview(objname) - updates the preview mesh for objname
Syntax 2: VRayRefreshProxyPreview() - updates the preview for the selected object, or for all objects if selection is empty