This page provides information on the Export PRT Particles function.


Using this function you can convert and export the Phoenix FD particles (Foam, Splash and Drag, etc.) from already simulated *.aur cache files, into Krakatoa's *.prt format. The right-click option is only available on the Fire Smoke Simulator and the Liquid Simulator. Phoenix can also load and render .prt files using the PRT Reader helper object.

With a Phoenix FD Simulator selected





Particle Group – A list of all particle groups of the selected simulator. You can export only one particle group at a time.

Frame Range – Start and end frame of the exported sequence. If a field is empty, the earliest/latest frame are found form the simulator's cache files.

         Timeline – When checked the Timeline frame range for Start and End frame will be used.

Output filename – The path where the *.prt files will be exported. Several replaceable variables are available:

$(cachedir) – The default cache file directory for the phoenix scene. In the form of "...\filename.max_Phoenix2_frames\".
$(grpname) – Particle group name.
$(frame) – Current frame.
##...# – A flexible way to express the current frame number with as many digits as there are # signs.

Channels to export – Here you can select which of the particle channels to export and which to skip. For more information, check the general topic on particles. The following channels can be exported:

ID (64 bit)